Time Flies When You're Having Fun!
I got an early birhtday present from DH this past week. I have been wanting to take some classes to learn more about spinning and wool preparation, and there isn't any formal classes in my small town. So, I signed up for some classes in Eureka. I had my first official spindle spinning class last week.The fiber was included in the class fee. I don't wear very much purple or lavender, but have been more drawn to these colors lately. I have only had about a 2-minute class in spindle spinning in the past. My teacher last week was wonderful. She really broke the instruction down by steps and focused on individual skills. The main focus was more on letting twist build up in the fibers, and then slowly drafting the fiber and letting the twist travel slowly while holding the spindle between your knees. I liked the fact that we didn't even practice standing and dropping the spindle. That will be saved for when we are more comfortable and better at the other steps. My next classes isn't for 2 more weeks. By the next class I need to have 2 balls of singles so that she can teach us how to ply on the spindle. I'm hoping that I can take a spindle with me for spinning when I go to visit family this summer.
I have still been busy knitting late Christmas gifts. Above is the first of a pair of socks I am knitting for a good friend. I have also started on a chemo cap....The list of to-do projects is endless, but that's what keeps me going!
I have another project that will be finished in the next day or two. Look for more pics soon.
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