Location: Crescent City, California, United States

I love to make things with my hands. My current passions are knitting and spinning.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A very productive weekend...

I spent more time at my LYS on my last days off and managed to get some projects done. It seems like there is always someone that is having a baby, and hand made gifts are much more personal. So I worked on perfecting the baby hat and socks. I think I did better with the size of the socks this time, but the hat still seems a little big, especially on my model.

I think I would like to try some kind of hand-dyed/self-patterning yarn. I am ready for some variety. I am also thinking of making several sets of caps and socks in different colors, so that when someone is having a baby I can just pull it out of my stsh of gifts. Doesn't that sound like somthing a well-organized person would do? Or someone with some time on their hands?? Maybe this would be a better job to tackle after I get Christmas gifts made, do ya think?
I also managed to squeeze in some time to knit a few rows here and there on my Ivy sweater. I was almost done with the ribbing for the back when I stopped to take a look at my progress, and found that some of my cables were going the wrong way. My friend at the LYS rescued me and did surgery on the cables and fixed them for me. I think she felt pity for me when she saw the look of complete desperation on my face. Anyhoo, I am almost up to the armhole bind offs!! I think I will keep this as my background project to use for taking a break from knitting on Christmas projects. It sure is relaxing once you get past the ribbing.
I hope to have more progress to show on my next posting.


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